The quest for quality Coffee is inextricably linked to healthy climatic conditions, nutrient-rich soil, and biodiverse ecosystems.
Unfortunately, monocultures like coffee are not just the most vulnerable, but significant contributors to climate change and biodiversity loss.
At the rate we're desertifying the planet we have less than 50 years left of soil, only 50 harvest seasons left!
Learn more about our soil regeneration fund here
We all know that the coffee industry is far from being able to claim itself to be regenerative.
However, we chose to start our own transformational journey by harmonizing Futura's purchasing criteria.
Stakeholder engagement efforts with our mission for soil regeneration.

Over 24 billion tons of soil are lost on a yearly basis, flooding rivers with toxic levels of nutrients, destroying marine habitats and causing acidification and climate change at unprecedented rates.
(1) Regenerative Soil - the science & solutions, Matt Powers.

Global soils contains 2 to 3 times more carbon than the atmosphere, and with over 3 billion people living in 570 million farms around the world, saving soils becomes a priority for combating climate change and food security. (2)

A round-trip Portland-Origins-Portland
¿Working on regenerative farming/gardening in Portland?