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Julio Bermudez-Colombia - La Palma & El Tucan

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We are excited to introduce you to Julio Bermudez, a coffee producer from the Cundinamarca region of Colombia. Julio’s farm, El Refugio, rests at an elevation of 1650 MASL, or about 5500 feet in elevation. Though his family has always been involved with farming, Julio purchased El Refugio as a hobby project, but he and his wife soon fell in love with working the land and seeing the fruit of their labor. Coffee quickly became more than a project to fill their time, it became a passion and an integral part of their family business. El Refugio is also a longtime participant of La Palma y El Tucan’s Neighbors & Crops program, a project started by Futura co-founders, Felipe and Elisa. Julio’s coffee was processed using the Bio-Innovation washed method, which is a unique process whereby the coffee is fermented using microorganisms that were found and propagated in the terroir of the farm. We are so excited to share this coffee with you, not simply because it is a tremendous tasting coffee, but also because Julio’s farm is a part of our Biodiversal program. Biodiversal is dedicated to helping small-scale farmers in Latin America transition their farms to using regenerative methods of agricultural production. This is an extremely vital practice that not only ensures that our farmers are able to be resilient in the face of climate challenges through soil health, but it also increases the biodiversity on the farm, meaning farmers will be able to increase their number of crops and revenue streams. This not only makes the farm sustainable in an ecological manner, but also economically. Increasing quality of life for the farmers that we work with is extremely important to all of our projects. In our regenerative mission, Futura Coffee Roasters is dedicated to not only investing a percentage of our sales to our regenerative agriculture mission, but we are also excited to begin offering more and more coffees that represent coffee producers who are using regenerative practices. We hope you enjoy this coffee and all that it represents for our planet and the life of the producer who worked so hard to care for it.